that fancy place he was referring to was an italian restaurant, just a few walks away from the philippine market, which is nearby the central point, that famous shopping complex in k.k. it was indeed a fancy italian restaurant, fratinnie's the name.
we were the only customer at that time. danial chose the best seat in the house, which was next to a window overlooking the beautiful sea. on our right was a glass cabinet housing all the paraphrenalias of the essence of italy-the pesto,sauce and cream,those different shapes and sizes of pasta( i could only recognize penne, macaroni, excuse my italiano ignorancio...)and not forgetting, a small red ferrari on display...
in no time at all, the menu was presented to me...i coud not make out whats on the menu list....all in italian....but the waiter was kind enough to explain to me with the help of a few pictures in the menu....but, i cut it short by asking him what would he recommend.......
so, we ordered appetizers and main dish....danial was at his antics again, trying to utter a few italian language that he learnt from the online games -boun appetito(enjoy your meal),ti amo(i love you), passione(passion),azzuris, bella(ask you dad...seriously, ask your dad, and he'll answer alfa romeo...)bla bla bla
i was just about to take out my camera to snap the interior of the restaurant when suddenly the waiter approached silently and lay those wonderful foods on our table..that was fast...i love restaurants with fast service, which is why i love fast food, but this is real food im talking about...
-this was the main course-whats the name? i could not remember, but basically, it was penne with orange meat sea salmon and other ingredients..(i shouldve copied the name somewhere..on the serviette perhaps, coz it has a really interesting name, in which you would sound like a hopeless romantic when reciting it aloud..)
-danial, enjoying his appetizer- its salad, with sea food(mamma mia!!!really love those clams..)and garlic toast
-this delicious meal was "sicillian soup"-it reminded me of a milder version of tom yam kung minus the bird chillies...heh...but of course, with an italian twist....ordered this one, coz i was thrilled to find out what kind of food do those mafia bosses indulge about sicillian food...but it was really good!!the clams and squid and medium sized tiger prawns are fresh and simply out of this world....
- this was truly phenomenal!!it was crabmeat stuffed in portobello first time ever trying this, and it really activated my taste buds...yummy indeed!! and i actually "vacuumed" the whole plate...
italian dish - is best enjoyed with selected wine,ehm...of course...
but i dared change that rule- by ordering mint tea..hehhehh...(initially, i ordered teh tarik, but then changed my mind when i saw that funny look on the waiter's face.....again, excuse my ignorance....)
five stars for the service(hello-where do that 5% service charge should go,huh...)
four stars for the ambience (cannot get full mark coz i expect more italian touch...if you understand what i mean)
five stars for the food-its my first time in an authentic italian restaurant-so im rather biased.
overall - e eccellente!!a night to remember. the night ended perfectly with a hug and birthday kiss from my beloved cheeky handsome son, danial....e il mio preferito!!
grazie mille!!Ho un buon momento!!(thank you very much! i had a really good time!!)