Hope it is still not too late to congratulate the top achievers in SPM 2009..., especially to my doting students, lim chia wei, mooi , low sin yee, syafiq muzammil and faizah.....!!!
amidst the celebration, one single result slip puzzled me.....
this particular candidate registered for nine subjects, failed to turn up for 8, sat for one subject, which is english and managed to pass........
what can i say.....bravo to the teacher for instilling such motivation into her student....good job, dear.....

Yeah,rock giler this result slip..bravo to the english teacher! Isn't he/she is from cg rozanita's class..hahah..
Thank you for this post (:
ouhhhh chiawei...please.....
she is NOT from that teachers class okay...!!!
the one who rocks and could really motivates her students consistently would be my best friend-PUAN SUHAILA!!!!
please note that......
yeahhhh.....you sound mad.....
best friend forever lah!!!
heheh...just to make my point across clearly....i mean, if you know what really happened, you wouldnt be surprise if i responded in that way...
chill out, chiawei.....
ur still our favourite student of all time - the one we would not stop talking about-the one and only Lim Chia Wei dearie....
luv luv luv.....
Ya. I definitely know what had happened...
Owh,I'm flattered!!! Thank you love!
I'm not that good actually,there are still a lot of people better than me (:
Whatever it is,I'm still YOUR girl right(Obviously,I love to use this sentence isn't it?)
Muahkss back ,miss u <3
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