sensing my blurry,insipid face, she handed me her bb and asked me to read what was written in her blog.
oooo....u mean that'25 random facts about you...'
why do you want me to write about facts about myself...i am not very interesting...
well, since you insist, i will try to find 25 random facts about myself. lets just hope, i dont stop at #5, and those facts about me would not send you to slumberland...zzzzzzzzz...
here i go......
1. i do know how to sew clothes.back in my college years, i did sew my own baju kurung. after spm exam, my father had made this arrangement for me to attend this sewing class for two months. but, i actually hate sewing. it makes me sleepy. the last time i got close to the sewing machine was 7 years ago when i sewed my own curtains for my house.
2. i really love beach and seaside.....i stayed in teluk kemang port dickson for 4 years and that was during my childhood, and the best moments of my life. i still remember frolicking on the beach building sandcastles and collecting seashells....wish i could turn back time to those moments. now that im working in kuala perlis, sometimes, after school, i would drive along the coastal road, enjoying the seabreeze, reminiscing those jovial chilhood moments...mmmm....
3. i used to be a caffeine junkie. my day would not be complete without nescafe. caramel cream frappuccino at starbucks used to be my fav.i could sit for hours at starbucks or dome just enjoying the fine brew of coffee.but now, i have totally ditched coffee for health reasons-and for good....
4. but i grew a liking for tea. tried almost every brand there is on the shelf. my favourite would be moroccan mint tea. might not be as authentic as the one from morocco, but i used to prepare it at home. thanks to tlc(travel&living channel),i learnt how to prepare it at home.i stock this 'raba'a' tea to be infused with fresh 'pudina' or mint leaves.....and don't you dare tell me tea contains caffeine as well...i also drink green tea sugarless.

5. i luv luv luv bangles....ever since i was a small girl. i have this huge collection-more than 300bangles and bracelets-beads,silver,wood,charmbracelets,crystal,leather,gold,magnetic,cheap plastic,metal,sporty,chunky...and the latest-pearl...gedigedigedigedi.....
so, limchiawei-everytime you do that haadyai trip, you surely know what i want.
6. i really enjoy driving. my personal record was 18hours of driving on the PLUS highway, stopping at all the r&r along the favourite drive would be the tanjung bungah - batu feringghi route.extra enjoyable with a sporting co-pilot.
7. i started leaving home at 13,spent 5 years at a boarding school,another 4 years attending a university in PJ and another 10 years renting different houses here and there...
8. i love to spend quiet times at home. with my danial. and my two dotting cats, tommy and timmy.and my loyal companion,my laptop.
9. my favourite perfume - used to be white musk from body shop. but i will forever adore cacharel by anais anais and bvulgari's omnia amethyste.

10. i love playing computer games!!i could stay up late playing games(thus the procrastination...)the latest game i played was 'Farm Craft'...finished all 24levels in 2days. a freak, i am.........

11. i love the smell of freshly cut grass and the after rain smell.
12. my friends call me mamarazzi, for obvious reason.i love toying around with my canon 500D, capturing every opportunity to freeze the moments without them realizing it. i would then edit their pictures and post them on fb...and having those crazy comments pouring in afterwards. the power of photography-imagine having the power of hiro nakamura-the ability to freeze time and make it last.yet to follow a formal photography lesson coz i find it difficult to do self-study..lack of time?lack of passion?hmmh...
13. once, in 1994,a friend of mine and fellow practical teacher, razali from ukm, dared me to ride the 'senandung malam' train,alone,from butterworth-kl-gemas-gua musang. i took his challenge. started the train ride at 8.00pm in butterworth, reached kuala lumpur at 1.00am, gemas at 4.00am, reached gua musang at 11.00am the next morning, but i finished the journey when i reached tumpat, kelantan at 2.30pm. in my own 'globe trekker' moments, i made a lot of friends along the way, and was asked to take care of 2 goats on the train by this uncle who took the lift from gua musang to the nearest town. won the bet, and the expense for whole trip was fully paid by that guy..
14. how i met my husband? well, i never actually 'met' was a classic story of family arrangement.....
15. marrying my husband was practically the best decision i have made so far...heh...<3
16. as a child, i used to like polka dots...i had this polka dot skirts,dresses,and even shoes. even my bedsheets and blankets are all in polka dots. it was during this one night ,when i was a 6 year old girl, during my high fever that i had this nightmare which was so real and alive - that those polka dots came to life and swarm over me, trying to bite my head off...i was screaming and crying..and that explains my phobia towards polka dot pattern...any term for that? polkadottophobic....??

17. I have been using the same e-mail address since 1997.
18. my emotional feelings are easily aroused. i am alwaYS involved in other people's problem as a result of my overly sympathetic much for being a good listener.
19. I always have lofty goals and high ideals, but lack practicality, system and concentration to materialize them.
20. i hold a yellow belt in silat lincah(a type of local martial art). i used to master 23bunga silat (different attack and defence strategy/formation), and was even selected to represent my school for that 43kg category, but was pulled out the last minute due to this injury on my left arm (which i got during sparing partner, elly shuhada was recovering from a broken heart and vent her anger and frustration on me....damn....)
21. I pay my bills online.
22. Being an 80s child, i love listening to retro songs of any genres. But i especially love bon jovi.

23. I love milk. Especially goat's milk. Drinking a glass of warm goat's milk at night helps me to sleep better.
24.I hate doing household chores. I hate scrubbing and mopping the floor. Hate to do the dishes. Hate to do the laundry or fold those pile of clothes...(as if i have a choice of escaping...and as im typing this, i am yet to do the dishes which is already up to the brim).but i grow a liking for cooking.
25. I have been through eye surgery twice, for both my left and right eyes. It’s not the surgery that bothered me. It’s the aftercare. The pain could not be described in words.. Simple movement would make me scream in pain. Even the slightest gush of wind could hurt me .Only morphine and steroid could help ease the pain.....
so, there you have it!!
25 random facts about me........
Absolutely,I'm here,I'm awesome (:
Well,I'm actually eager to know the 25 random facts about you.
1.nak kurung satu boleh? no wonder,you seem excited with the sewing machine at my cafe (:
2.Basically,shah and I were quite shocked with this fact,because,yes you love to drive us along the seaside,but we never know that you love beach and why we NEVER tell us? haha. k,as long as it is not bit*h naa...
3.that's why you have yellow tooth-you're the one who told us this (:
4."Gao Ji Li Cha"High class of chinese green tea that you showed me off that day at your house and yes we were searching for green tea for you that day. Mj,shah,pika and I almost forgotten what have written on your blog then pika said.yaya. "green tea" so we picked one for you.little thought from us to you <3
5.i know you love bangles. somehow,i would like to have a look on your collection boleh? ada buat pre-loved sales ker? nak beli.and i wore your favorite bangle of mine yesterday,planned to give you when i said byebye,lupa pulak dah!!!
6.i think you have no problem to drive us to penang,kan? let's go!
8.loyal companion-shouldn't be encik dzul ka? hehehe.
10.Ohhhhhhhh,now I know why danial is a game freak as well......
12.yohyoh,mamarazi,I can't wait for your facebook's photo albums to reach 100!yet it is saddening to see that i'm not inside the photos,well i admitted that! why la you don't buy a DSLR at 2009,sedangkan our moments lagi sweet.....
16.this is new for me. ada baju kurung polka dot??
password:228angah822citra(hamtam pih,mana taw betul?hahahhhaahhaa)
18.hmmmmmmm...let you be at first and give you strength when you are weak.i gave you faith because i believed and i prayed each time in my little heart,hope you will recover and get better....
20.injury on your left arm? serious kaaa? can hire me to do your household chores.price rate-agak tinggi.kalau nak booking,boleh hubungi saya pada hari minggu sahaja yer..hahahaha..
teacher,since when you love cooking? nak sambal masak petai blh??slurrrrppppps...
25.MORPHINE AND STEROID?dangerous la still use it now????
Thank you!!
hey!this is fun......
i mean, when i was composing this, i find it really hard to find those facts which i haven't expose to you guys yet.its a funny fact to me, that when we were together last time, we shared so many things-our dreams,likes n dislikes,ideas and not forgetting those daringgg confessionssss....brace yourself when i say the word confessionnnsss coz sometimes, its actually hard to handle the truth. so, my mind was racing like a russian roulette trying to find facts that are new...
i will just respond to a few..
1.heh! i DO know that green tea got caffeine.just don't like to be reminded of that fact..nak sihat,minum ayaq mineral je dah aaa..
2.u want baju kurung?go buy urself.coz i don't sew anymore. its cheaper n easier to buy ur size. its my size whch is bothersome (xxxs).i find it hard to buy ready made clothes..there goes another fact ....
3. it always has to be about bangles kan kan....sbout that bangle u told me-well, i think that bangle is not destined for me coa you've been offering that to me like,more than 5 times already but then u keep forgetting,,hahahh..its not that i mind, but i have to say, that bangle does look good on you! it suits ur long arm better..;)
4. en dzul is actually an indespensable 'annoying' companion...heh..
5. ya la kan..why la 2009 no dslr one..hukhuk..i blame it on so? bcos i was still saving up for that dslr, and then one day, u told me ur getting that nikon...but my kodak slr was more than just ok kan coz we shared so many wonderful n beautiful moments together. the last memorable one before your nikon would be that TLRR outing..
6.penang?it is in my plan.just need the right timing and budget to execute the plan....
7. freak..i was totally hooked on pc games since '93..and let me tell u a secret..ayah danial is also a freak gamer as well...heh..there goes another fact...
8.i used to have 3 pairs of polka dot kurung. actually, i am way pass that phobia...i dont mind the pattern but still it gets annoying sometimes to see polka dot on people...another fact u should know..when i was 4 or 5, i used to follow to the tune of this song on the radio
"she was afraid to come out of the was the itsy bitsy teenie weenie,yellow polka dot bikini, that shes wearing for the first time today"....check it out on youtube...."
9. i only seriously cook when i start staying in happy garden.not those great recipes..just decent humble one-just for d 5 of us at home..
10.those morphins n steroids r only pain killers..two weeks for each eye..right now, i will keep this eye drop in my purse-just in case my eyes get dry.but, that is the reason why i stop marking spm papers..when they gor stressed out, tears will fall and smudge those scripts....
wei, thanks for reading. it feels so good to share...
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