* Low Choon Pei could solve the rubic cubic puzzle in 29 seconds
*I made a stupid blunder by presenting Min Jun a table clock on his birthday today. for the Chinese, its a taboo to present a watch or clock on someone's birthday as it would mean 'sending' him away..please excuse my ignorance MJ.
* MJ is 17 today. But according to the Chinese(as told by Chiawei), you need to add another year, making MJ 18 today. Being 18 makes MJ eligible to do what other 18-year-old does-like smoking, driving, and what not......
*My acerAspire4810TG is a stupid investment..(Thanks 4 d info, Zealis....)
*Eating Nasi Ayam at Radix Chicken House cost me only RM3.90...
*I made a stupid blunder by presenting Min Jun a table clock on his birthday today. for the Chinese, its a taboo to present a watch or clock on someone's birthday as it would mean 'sending' him away..please excuse my ignorance MJ.
* MJ is 17 today. But according to the Chinese(as told by Chiawei), you need to add another year, making MJ 18 today. Being 18 makes MJ eligible to do what other 18-year-old does-like smoking, driving, and what not......
*My acerAspire4810TG is a stupid investment..(Thanks 4 d info, Zealis....)
*Eating Nasi Ayam at Radix Chicken House cost me only RM3.90...
hey teacher,why is it a stupid investment? Hmm,sound horrible..dah beli cek..
Owh,i know why is it so cheap dekat radix pasal:tch on diet,chiawei&lyss&shah x pi,danial tu mkn secotet je,betul?Haha.
yeaa...stupid! after a long lecture and a good scold from my hubby for that impulsive buying, and discovering that i'm so damn ignorant about the specifications....i admit to being stpid making that stupid impulsive decision to buy that lap top.....lousy investment....
hahah....i'm just saying that i was surprised to discover that the price is boleh tahan.....all these while, i tau bayaq and makan jek, tak tau pun single item punyer harga.teruk kan i ni. tu yang kata facts i just figured....
why the pic din hv me 1?
hi vincent.
hey there leonard.
yes, u were missing. where were you?
half of the class was not around at that time.
so, puas la kami makan kek...
Adoih,lagu sunsilk ni annoying...haha..
Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Hey teacher ya ur,x pe pasal makan tu x pe,klu bagi kita mkn tu pown buat mcm sedekah ke la..x p laptop acer tu no cmmt,klu beli HP pavillion tu ok x?
tak ade photo teacher ah???
why the pic also din hv teacher 1?
our beautiful teacher!!
teacher dont worry MJ will not mad
leonard pikat perempuan kat sini pulak..
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