i know a phenomenal teacher.
She was wonderful. working with the kids has been the best part of her job.
She was one of those teachers who reached her students heart, which went beyond classroom environment.
She made a difference not just in the classroom but to her student's personal lives too.
Times spent in her classroom was always cheerful and filled with laughter. Jokes were cracked all the time not only through her, but also through her innovative approach to reach our hearts and intellectual minds.
She was a compassionate and caring person.
She has great impact on students as she demonstrated genuine empathy, support and kindness.
She didn't teach us what to think, but rather how to think.
She took risks and changed our perception about failure.
She was truly PHENOMENAL!!
How if I say that is teacher NOOR FAZILAH?
I think so.
no laaa dearie....
the reason i'm writing it is not to promote myself lerr....i am far from being nominated as "Phenomenal".....
that's why i insert the old photo of my beloved teachers from my secondary school. the one i'm referring to is seated second from the left. she is non other than my own english teacher, Pn Jalina Abdullah, whom i'm trying very hard to emulate as shes my role model.
Puan Jalina, wherever you are, i want you to know that you have truly inspired me to become who i am today!!!
Sound cool,imitation is the best flattery right!
N u do that teacher zil,more than that for me=)
N somebody had told me b4 if she wants to become a teacher,she would like to be like u!
Sound cool again huh?
Walaauu ehhhhhh...
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