Sometimes, i wish i was a little kid again...
skinned knees heal faster than broken heart..
We have to trust that our stories deserve to be told. We may discover that the better we tell our stories, the better we will want to live them - Henri Nouwen
this is my dolll kannnnn???? dah lama i tinggalkan dia !!!!
You wish you were little kid again? There must be a reason...Elaborate please. Your fan want to know here. *sweat*
how dare u dump her..pity that teddy..no wonder she looks sooo sad..
why need reason?thot everybody enjoys childhood...
nnt i habaq u okay...aha..maybe i should blog about it.. ;]
She is still on my bed, just she is too small to hug!!!! I need a big one! HAHAHA.
I enjoy every moment of my life!!
Boleh,jgn x habaq nohhhh. Blogblogblog!!!I comment*3!
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