i was returning home from what i considered as a freakishly bad meeting which was full of thrash talking.i had to put up with such insult, while at the same time trying to keep my sanity alive by keeping my expression completely neutral which was actually hard to do..... such a lousy start for a new academic year...driving home,i tried to figure out how am i going to survive the new management..then came the phone call..owh .there should be a special package delivery. for me.upon reaching my house, i saw a lady standing at the gate. she handed something to me. i really had no idea what it was, but i got into my house and put the whole package on the kitchen table...

there was a special message attached to it which reads,
" TO : Beloved Teacher Zill (at this point, i already knew whos the sender...sikit x surprise..:P)
i would like to express my deepest gratitude and heartfelt thanks to you for your genuine love, concern, thoughtfulness and kindness for me throughout the year. you're irresistable and a-we-some forever.!!!
i hope that 2012 will better for you...(just what i need..)
be strong with all your heart!!!
happy new year to you and family!!!
love you, hugs and kisses !!!

let's untie the ribbon..and..

colorful macarons....!!!!!
these yummy macarons are made with egg whites, icing sugar, granulated sugar, almond/peanut powder/ground and food colouring. and the sweet peanut and buttery aroma hit my nostrils the moment the case was opened.. the smell reminded me of freshly baked peanut butter cookies coming straight out of the oven ...

just look at the different fillings - my guesses would be chocolate, peanut butter, tiramisu , toffee, caramel .......

yummy yummy yummy....

stack them up, lie them down, they look just as good as they taste...

thank you very much for the wishes..so kind and thoughtful of you..i just cannot find words strong enough to thank you. and thanks for the sweet colourful macarons too!!they really brighten up my day..!!!exactly what i need after such a lousy day..!!
they look nice and yummy la teacher,can't wait to try it out when i am back home,can you bake for me ? For god sake,when on earth i ever write'love u' to you,this is so not my card.my god...geramnya.
wah,so nice ah your student tu,seem like you have someone to replace me.i am glad you found one.:P
Happy new year my love! thank you again for everything you have done for me.i may troubled you,disturbed you,bugged you,irritated(kay kay kay,giler,giler,giler) you,today i plan to tell you...
I plan to continue it in 2012! BAHAHAHAHA. I will always be me,ciwei ,no worries. You know,I love YOU <3
eeiii...x malu...bila i kata u yg send?ada rupa mcm tulisan u ka?tulisan u lain lah..
i manyak student lah cw...[ayat riyak]...bu huuuuuu..
hey,masak macaron,x pandai noh...
cekodok pisang nak???
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