...which is why i don't quite get it when the youth of today keep on complaining of how bored they are with stuff around them..i mean, im quite lucky coz i could always find things to do if im stuck with something, and i don't easily get bored..yes, sometimes, people bore me;but i quickly discovered that boring people can be somehow entertaining :) when im being dragged into a boring situation with no hope of escaping, i would quickly come up with something just to divert my mind from being dragged into the looms of boredom..
which is why i could spend quiet times at home for 72 hours straight without feeling the sun on my skin, coz i would always find something to do.theres always things to do..like right now, nothing is more enjoyable than sitting infront of this laptop, wasting mytime blogwalking and stalking..ngehehehhh....
There are so many things to do but too little time,hope they give me some of their times. hikhik. enjoy your holidays =)
heheh...so many things to do, so little time..yet the kids are complaining of having nothing to do til they got so bored..
but, God is Great and Omnipotence, He granted each and everyone of us 24 hours a day, not more not less...
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