what do i do here in the waiting?
what do i do here with my unsatisfied heart?
what do i do here in the waiting?
here in the tension of believing
again and again,
cause there's a lack,
there's a gap in my soul,
between the things
that i believe
and i know....
[frankly,i didn't come up with these beautiful depressing words..i stumbled upon this poem (cannot exactly remember the when or where, but according to my journal, it should be written sometime in June,2003).ya, i do keep a journal since i was in secondary school,[mind you:its not a diary, but a journal,OK]..and there are so much,so many things i could share in this blog, and thats exactly what im doing...
...and could the real poet please stand up? coz im using your beautiful poem without your permission, and do tell me what you feel, and i wouldn't hesitate to delete this entry coz its not o r i g i n a l........
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