"When the dog bitesWhen the bee stingsWhen I'm feeling sadI simply remember my favorite thingsAnd then I don't feel so bad......"as a small girl, i used to listen to the lyrics of ' my favourite things ' sung by Maria from the movie,'the sound of music'..
Thursday, December 29, 2011
....these are a few of my favourite things...
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
holy macarons...!!!!
there was a special message attached to it which reads,
" TO : Beloved Teacher Zill (at this point, i already knew whos the sender...sikit x surprise..:P)
i would like to express my deepest gratitude and heartfelt thanks to you for your genuine love, concern, thoughtfulness and kindness for me throughout the year. you're irresistable and a-we-some forever.!!!
i hope that 2012 will better for you...(just what i need..)
be strong with all your heart!!!
happy new year to you and family!!!
love you, hugs and kisses !!!
let's untie the ribbon..and..
Monday, December 26, 2011
Thursday, December 15, 2011
you just don't understand....
when you tried to justify yourself,
but misunderstood by others,
as they based their assumptions according to their limited comprehension,
and failed to see the whole picture,
yet claiming that they knew well what had happened to you....
the feeling is like
a fried potato
being fried
over and over
a g a i n .......
Sunday, December 11, 2011
La Luna.....

Partial eclipse begins – The inner, dark umbral shadow begins to cover the moon. Like the penumbral shadow, it starts on one side and slowly creeps across the moon’s face. It looks like a dark bite taken out of the moon.
Total eclipse begins – The dark shadow completely covers the moon. This is the total phase of the eclipse, called the totality. It generally lasts for the better part of an hour. During the totality, the shadow on the moon often appears red. It is very beautiful!
Greatest eclipse – The middle of the eclipse. The totality is still going on.
Total eclipse ends – The inner, dark umbral shadow begins to leave the moon’s face. A sliver of light appears on one edge of the moon. For the next hour or two, gradually less and less of the moon will be in shadow.
Partial eclipse ends – The inner, dark umbral shadow leaves the moon.
Penumbral eclipse ends – the light, outer penumbral shadow leaves the moon. The eclipse is over.
- the cloudy dusk clocked at 7.15pm shortly before the setting of the eclipse ; and you can see how the moon was gradually taken in by the dark side (err...?!)
` the actual image of the lunar eclipse...such an amazing sight to behold....
Friday, December 9, 2011
Colour of the year 2012 :

For more than a decade, the company has selected its Color of the Year, influencing product development and purchasing decisions in multiple industries including fashion, home, and beauty.
2012's shade, PANTONE® 17-1463 Tangerine Tango, is a reddish orange shade, described by the brand as "vivacious" and "enticing."
"Sophisticated but at the same time dramatic and seductive, Tangerine Tango is an orange with a lot of depth to it," explained Pantone's executive director Leatrice Eiseman."

at least, i could get some insight on what to include into my already boring closet (which is dominated by mostly black and red) when i do my shopping next week ;]
...vivacious + enticing + sophisticated + dramatic + seductive ....woohooo....i love the way they are grouped together in the same line!!! what a gay way to welcome 2012.......
(already imagining the same witches of 2011 who labelled me as 'gedix' eyeing me and hovering over me like a predator, giving me that look when i pass by them in matching tangerine tango handbag and mary jane...and id be shashaying gracefully giving them this diva gaga bitch move, like something Victoria Beckham would do at your wedding just to upstage you...)
here i go again.........

...which is why i don't quite get it when the youth of today keep on complaining of how bored they are with stuff around them..i mean, im quite lucky coz i could always find things to do if im stuck with something, and i don't easily get bored..yes, sometimes, people bore me;but i quickly discovered that boring people can be somehow entertaining :) when im being dragged into a boring situation with no hope of escaping, i would quickly come up with something just to divert my mind from being dragged into the looms of boredom..
which is why i could spend quiet times at home for 72 hours straight without feeling the sun on my skin, coz i would always find something to do.theres always things to do..like right now, nothing is more enjoyable than sitting infront of this laptop, wasting mytime blogwalking and stalking..ngehehehhh....
what do i do here..?

[frankly,i didn't come up with these beautiful depressing words..i stumbled upon this poem (cannot exactly remember the when or where, but according to my journal, it should be written sometime in June,2003).ya, i do keep a journal since i was in secondary school,[mind you:its not a diary, but a journal,OK]..and there are so much,so many things i could share in this blog, and thats exactly what im doing...
...and could the real poet please stand up? coz im using your beautiful poem without your permission, and do tell me what you feel, and i wouldn't hesitate to delete this entry coz its not o r i g i n a l........
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

listening patiently, he just looked at me,nodding once in a while, and giving me minimal encouragements, up to the stage where in between my catharsis, i started to wonder if i was making sense to him. so, i stopped whining. he simply jestered, 'about time you find a new friend..she's not a friend..'
[but i didn't find her...she found me........]
people will upset us, and disappoint us, and holding on to anger will only take away the energy that we need in order to produce the desired results that we seek out of life!
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Saying Goodbye...
Sunday, November 20, 2011
shallowness vs superficiality

still here????
damage is done...
[Drain Bamage]
What we see, depends on what we're looking for

Attitude and personality are two different things. My personality stays with me wherever i am.My attitude depends on the people in front of me..!!